Production on Part 8 is still very slow. At this current time, we are still working on the animation for a large section of the episode (It's nothing special) but hard to do as I've already stated.
Plus we are adding in a tiny fight scene at the end but using scale and this takes a lot of planning etc. Each shot needs to be planned and as we are incorpriating vehicles into these shots, it takes twice as long to do.
Remember that I didn't start production on Part 8 till very late as I had another project in the works plus the summer was time out so only really got started.
It's not that I am not making it, as I am now, but wasn't earlier on.
I will try and update you with further progress soon, but currently working on some hard shots.
Kind Regards
I can understand, With the second part of my machinima out, I know that it takes planning before you do an action shoot. I also know that these things can't be rushed.
Just do what you've gotta do.
See you around Darknal
I fully agree take as much time as you need. Meanwhile I will be playin me some ODST :)
Glad to know, Take your time, don't rush anything or the end result will be spoilt, Take your time and get a great result. but we know we always do get a great result anyway!
Cya tonight at shoot.
PixelTeam, what's your machinima titled? And Darknal, thanks for the update. Good to know :)
To Comik300
They're Machinima Is Entitled: 'Troopers' Its Great Concidering Its Their First Machinima xD
Hey Darknal me and my friends are gonna make a michima.But we have no idea how.We were wondaring if u could help us.Its will be called sniper teeam bravo.My xbox live gamertag is EventlessFan.please help us out if you can.Oh and i cant wait for part8 U RULE
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