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Wednesday, 26 August 2009

T.F.S Part 8 Started

The voices came in, they were on vacation, can't hold that against them.

T.F.S Shoots started yesterday evening and so have started the process of filming. There is still half a script to finalize but I thought you would be happy to know it's kicked off.

I am on Holiday in just over a week and there is no shoot next Tuesday so no filming will take place for two weeks, but, this gives me time to finalize stuff and therefor can come back and commence the creation of Part 8.

Peace out


Anonymous said...

Nice one Darknal. Production finally began on my machinima yesterday, too. I wish us both luck in our Machinima making. PS It's summer, of course they'd be on holiday.


reaper said...

finally theres a positve update

K1LL3R Productions said...

These posts are good I like to know whats happening.

Anonymous said...

You Son of a Bitch! You keep us waiting for a very fuckin' long time and then again postpone your filming. (Don't get me wrong I still love your work).

reaper said...

hey n00b leave him alone. make your own god damn machinima and see how hard it is. and besides its only a fucking show. srsly you will just be entertained for 14 minures or so then back to your boring life pressing f5 for 5 months for an update.

btw n00b

Darknal said...

To anonymous:

I work 5 days a week, have my son at weekends, I am 25 years old and get no time for my hobbies. None of my crew members have been available this summer and I am due holiday from work with my son, so will always put my family and my life before 14 minutes of entertainment.

I have not kept anyone waiting but myself. I do not intend for it to take this long but for the time I get, I am going as fast as I personally can. And if my Machinima's were crap, you wouldn't even care if I never made one again so in a way, be lucky I don't stop the series right now and just enjoy my life.

Think about that for a while.

Until they pay my bills, it's after my personal life at this time thank you.

Kind Regards

reaper said...

well said darknal

Anonymous said...

To: Reaper
You stay out of this. You faggot keep your thoughts to yourself and stay on subject. Mother Fucker.
To: Darknal
Sorry about the contradicting comment. Enjoy your holiday.
To: Reaper

Anonymous said...

If you cut off the series, people will know. I will be your hobby antagonist. People will hate me. Just what I want. I wanted to cut off the forgotten spartans in the first place.

Same Anoymouse from previously
Reaper: Die

reaper said...

ohhh ouch. a guy can sware. i must be soooo offened. *rolls eyes*

yeah your a n00b alright. go on and make a machinima. if its any good as tfs i assure you will understand what darknal goes through.

Darknal said...

I do not wish to fight with fans, or offend anyone, I do not like people arguing on my sites, I purely wanted to make people understand and aware of my situation.

I would advise not going down this root as this will only slow the process down. You have now turned in to someone who wishes bad for the series, although this wouldn't have happened if you didn't like the series so much in the first place.

Perhaps except the fact that this series wont be finished quickly and stop cursing everyone, I would hope that fans of The Forgotten Spartans would get on rather than fight. After all, my series is to entertain you, not create anger within you.


Anonymous said...

Dang man. Leave darknal alone. Anonymous you fuck leave him alone


Anonymous said...

You are gay Reaper. Trying to understand without listening to Darknal's post. Any reason for Darknal's delay is good enough to put you in a good mood. Hope die like that one girl in the hallway of "Black Christmas" (funny movie). You: getting your eyes plucked out and dragged down the hallway, through your empty sockets, away to be killed off.

Previous Anonymous

reaper said...

wow. right after dark said stop flamming you flame. and you fail at insaulting people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Reaper. That was not me talked to you lastly. Now shut the fuck up, go to Vegas, and get killed. Please? I want to do it myself but I am being watched.

reaper said...


GHOST749 said...

Im looking for voice and body actors for upcoming machima series. Also need people who know how to do all the computer stuff and darknal if u read this could use your help.

Anonymous said...

will you ever use the new odst game thats coming out to use in the forgotten spartans?

DoubleMoonz said...

Everyone gets a cookie if they don't argue :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Darknal, it's me again. Listen, I herd that one of your shoots didn't go too well. bad luck. New blood can really be a drag. Still hope everything goes well, I have full faith in you that we won't be disappointed with your work.

Things with my machinima are starting to look up, I've just put a trailer up on my team's youtube channel. I'll send you the link. on youtube.

See you later

Anonymous said...

Your work is starting to be inspirational, Darknal. People look up to you and they respect you. You are probably the most briliant man in Halo 3 films.


GHOST749 said...

Ya Darknal you are an inspiration to machinima makers everywhere like me. Still need voice and body actors.

Anonymous said...

I agree with a lot of what people have already told you. You truly are an inspiration. I want to create my machinima series. I already have the plotline and the characters laid out, but I have none of the right equipment. Maybe one day though...

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone saying you are inspirational, Darknal. I'm am making a Machinima myself, and I have all the characters down, with the plot and everything, but none of equipment I need. Just like the other guy. Well anyways, I hope you got my message that was from MartiniProductionz. Yep, that was me, and I hope you got to it! Well, good luck making the rest of your Machinima. You truly are one of a kind. Okay, well I have to go for now.

Your friend,

comik300 said...

i'm pretty suredarknal has more important things to do than listen to you guys say you have machinimas as well, but if you guys ever get them going, lemme know. my gt is comik300

Unknown said...

Hey did you listened to darknal post he has a life and a son so that is more important than halo,machinima so just wait like everyone i am from brasil, dont have xboz just halo 1 for windows and i am having fun i am not like you anonymous tah have an exbox halo 3 halo wars and stuff i am just having fun with my life so leave him alone ok

Anonymous said...

I'm not stupid. I know he has a life, so you just wasted a few minutes of your life posting that ridiculous comment. Anyways, Darknal, hope life is treating you good.

Your friend,

comik300 said...

i think this has been scewed way off topic.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I say someones Inspirational and everyone else agrees. I called darknal a son of a bitch but now I guess I am in the clear. Just to be clear with all of you...I said it first.