Hello People,
Long time since update, but have been moving quite smoothly so far. Just got the big scene's left to do which will take a while, and my brother Dave still hasn't started any animation yet so all that to do as well. Basically, the worst stuff till last....
But, getting there with the other scene's, still working on Cosmic's scene which was the first scene started and looks like the one that will take longest. Put it this way it took ONE WEEK to do a 1 second shot. Not there is reasons for this but things I think you will overlook or not think about. Basically you probably wont notice the work involved but seriously is hard.
Well the picture above has nothing to do with Part, just it's always good seeing something rather than a wall of text.
I'll try get something done soon for YouTube as a Teaser... Not a trailer.
gud to hear that tfs 9 is nearing completion darknal :)
hopefully its as explosive as the past 8 ones...
What wud have happened if Tiger woods wife hit Tiger with a gravity hammer instead of a golf club????
hey, it's rly nice to hear that the next episode of the most epic series ever is near to come (: if you ever need ppl for epic wars pm me like on youtube or sumthin (acc mysticalisland). i would be honored to appear in your videos. cumpz, keep going.
haha I knew id find an update somewhere! Good to hear it's coming along nice TFS is the BEST! dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
Hey, havn't seen an update in a while. Hopefully it's getting alot of progress, (and vacations of course). We're all lookin' forward to it. Yours,
Darknal hasn't answered his blog site in awhile, I believe he's not making much progress on his new episode.
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