Hello people.
Over time, people have strayed, gone offline, and some are just a little deluded.
I am now filtering out my friends list for new loyal body actors that can actually body act and respect the shoot.
I am also trying to filter out any individuals that want to be in TFS without actually knowing whats involved, so here's the score.
It is not fun, it is not entertaining, it is very long and boring that obviously will hopefully look awesome in the end but making them is not fun. Shoots are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30pm. Tuesday finishes at 10ish. Thursday will finish earlier.
You MUST have a UK connection and a good one at that. You can't browse the web or family members browse the web during these shoots. If your connection is RED, you will be replaced.
My most loyal subjects to date are MrTom, Handy 3000 and Chrisnepts who have raked in over 45 turn outs together. There are many more, but these guys are top. That is the loyalty needed. One show up wont land you in the Darknal Crew, but loyalty will get you there.
If you have what it takes to listen and walk around like a zombie on my sets, feel free to apply.
Email me at Darknal@ThakeFilms.co.uk with RECRUIT as your subject.
I'm actually very surprised that you don't set up your own business for making machinimas because by the sounds of things you have the skills and the knowledge to do this. Just a thought
LNER Tornado
Lol i hope i dont get kicked out i love being in the T.F.S. becuase when it comes out i can say to myself i helped make that. :)i do
have a good reson for leaving early
yesterday.... GCSEs :( makes me cry when i say that
Just turns out that I live in the UK, have a strong connection, and am willing to help out during these times. Sending out an email now...
I am always free on Tuesdays (depending on traffic)
But I've applied.
Sounds like too much commitment even though I'm a director of my own series...
I don't know if I have a good connection either, I'll help you if I do...
hey darknal i just wanted to know if i can be in your movie my gamertag is BILL3332
ill help you do you r hit movie the forgotten spartans if i have good connection
i have a great connection always coz i have my own router connected right next to my xbox and i know how you feel having people screwing up your filming, i used to do machinimas however i was sick of having actors who dont understand "dont shoot your rockets!!!" or "That scorpion should not blow up the warthog!!!!!" anyway i have sent you an email and eagerly await your reply
You have my allegiance.
If I had a UK connection I would consider, although Tuesdays and Thursdays are probably my most busy days school-wise
as much as i would love to help, i dont think i would have the time to do it now, to much on my plate, dam GCSE's :'(
thats whats i said :D
got a weeks break before my next GCSE thow :P
hey if you need help me gamer tag is RSF VALCOR
Darknal as you know im always willing to help. But im currently looking for body actors to my own series "The Fall of Valhalla." Note this a spin off of the forgotten spartans. My gamer tag is GHOST749 and Darknal get your xbox fixed
I don't know who you are friends with or who you have been talking to but if he goes by the gamertag xxx Darknal xxx, it is NOT me. I would not give permission for my series to be re-made by anyone, nor is my xbox broken.
I think you'll find my gamertag is Darknal.
Maybe you should let all the other friends know he's a fake.
Kind Regards
Yeah Darknal, i tried to explain to GHOST two days ago that XVX DARKNAL XVX isn't you. I told him to check my friends list for the real darknal, but he wouldn't believe me.
Thanks for clearing that up :)
Yup its true and to think I believed him...
im a good actor i dont muck about i body act very often i voice act as well.
hey darknal can we have a trailer for the next episode? that way it can kill the suspense im having to wait for the next episode.
at the end of episode 7 where master chief says his famous "Wake me when u need me" or something like that...one wud have expected John 117 to get a nice beauty sleep of..ohh..lets say a few years...too bad he crashlanded right in the middle of a battlefield a few minutes later..haha..thats why he killed the elites..cuz he was pissed at being woken so early
i was only wondering a couple of things. one how long do you think it will take you to make the next forgotten spartans movie. and the next thing did you ever think about making the forgotten spartans a real movie? please comment about it on your next blog or when ever you read this, thanks.
I got kicked out and removed unfortunately. But I hope TFS goes well. I knew XvXDarknal. I still do, but wow, he's a liar. :(
i would like to help u in ur film my gt is F4LLEN x ANGEL
P.S.the forgotten spartans is awesome
as far as i see there are only a few problems with the forgotten spartans :
1) the time taken to release the videos , but thats forgivable due to the amt of editing needed and lack of manpower
2) Less Ladies..I mean..Spartan Chicas...The only lady we saw was Dolphinie...and she is currently rotting away on rat's nest... :(
OOhh plus too many epic battle scenes...too much of something good tends to water down the experience later ...
But these r just my opinions...
overall its slightly below RVB , just slightly...id say its better than Spriggs..
*NOTE to self* Stop watching too many Halo Machinimas
@Chris Angell
dude, shut up, his epic battles are epic THE END.
@ jfb,andie :
See if there are too many epic battles...overtime u will get bored of seeing massive armies clash over and over again...there has to be some interlude in between...Having an epic battle every episode is good but too much of a good thing is bad also.
Darknal has done some of the best battle scenes i've ever seen so far , almost like LoTR but with spartans , elites and dangerous toys...and no ganadalf the gay (umm grey) wizard
And I said "its my opinion" , obviously this means that this is my view and there will be differing opinions .
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