Q: Will I switch to Halo Reach to continue The Forgotten Spartans?
A: I will not be using Reach for the continuation of The Forgotten Spartans. I will, however, be using Reach for Start of the Spartans in a machinima called "The Forgotten Spartans: Reach".
A: Email me at Darknal@ThakeFilms.co.uk
Q: Want to watch trailers of my new episodes before everyone else?
A: Subscribe to my YouTube account for first looks.
A: Subscribe to my YouTube account for first looks.
Q: Why am I using Green for the Chiefs colour?
A: As people should know, they do not offer the correct Chief green in the multiplayer. After I have finished editing the episode, I also apply a video filter changing the contrast and some other aspects to the video, this causes the Green to become more bright. If I were to use the Sage as others suggest, this causes his amour to look more white than Green. So the only solour that works in my machinima is Green and I hope that you as viewers can over look this gripe Bungie gave us.
Q: How many parts will there be in The Forgotten Spartans?
A: I have no idea how many parts there will be as I have the story in my head, I have noticed that it's taking many episodes to explain the story and move forward whilst trying to provide amazing battle scenes. I originally had 3 planned at the beginning but then continued the series to where it is today. I thought that I would make 10 episodes in total but it could only be the 8 I need. Either way, if the series continues, it's not a bad thing really is it? But I will answer the big questions soon.
Q: When will the next episode be out?
A: If I do not update my blog from the previous post then the previous post still stands. When work has started on an episode, I will let you all know. Best thing to do is to check this blog every week or so to see if I have posted anything new. If I haven't then I have not started work on the next episode. I know that a lot of you are getting fustrated with waiting and I am sorry for that, but you need to look at my work as a film release. Sequals to movies don't come out every month, and the work that needs to be done on each episode (plus the fact I have a family) means that there are long delays between each episode. I hope that you appreciate these facts and just think of my Machinima as something bigger than a series. This way you don't expect it soon.
Q: Can I be in The Forgotten Spartans as an extra?
A: Currently at this time I have all spaces filled. The reason to this is because I have devised a Big Team Crew over the shooting of T.F.S and so will not be recruiting anyone at this time. This is nothing personal to anyone. Another issue I have to work with is lag, this is usually helped by using connections that are close to mine, i.e. UK servers take priority. This does not mean that I pick UK servers because I am from the UK, this is purely because lag is less when hosting a lobby of 16 players blowing everything up.
Q: How do you get so many players on one map?
A: There are no mods or special privileges that I know about to create what I have created. I used a maximum of 16 players at a time. Each shot you see was done around 5 or 6 times each in different areas of the map, then using a very expensive programme 'Adobe After Effects' to overlay each clip together using a tool called 'Masking'. You can check tutorials on advanced matting on YouTube. If you were going to use Mods, which I have no idea about, I think that bots only stand still and cannot run towards each other or fire. I am also aware that their weapons are chosen for them etc and so do not get a choice what weapons they hold. Sony Vegas can also do matting although I am unsure of the advancement it goes as I do not use this programme.
Q: Is that Master Chief or Conan at the end of Part 7?
A: If you have completed Halo 3 on Legendary and if you have been a true fan to my series throughout, you would be able to tell exactly who the end character is. If anyone also had an ounce of effort, you would also be able to read the credits which explains exactly who voiced who so will list the characters name. I am concerned that so many so called fans do not even check the credits to who actually acted, voiced etc.
It's very important that you keep an eye out on credits as they can give you the information needed. Fans would also realise that Conan's colour armour and his voice are very different from the Chiefs. Conan was not completed green and I'm sure that a big point would have been made out of his death before showing him coming back. I am not annoyed, just if people are unsure, they should probably pay attention to the plot more.
I will edit this post as more questions roll in.
Kind Regards
A: As people should know, they do not offer the correct Chief green in the multiplayer. After I have finished editing the episode, I also apply a video filter changing the contrast and some other aspects to the video, this causes the Green to become more bright. If I were to use the Sage as others suggest, this causes his amour to look more white than Green. So the only solour that works in my machinima is Green and I hope that you as viewers can over look this gripe Bungie gave us.
Q: How many parts will there be in The Forgotten Spartans?
A: I have no idea how many parts there will be as I have the story in my head, I have noticed that it's taking many episodes to explain the story and move forward whilst trying to provide amazing battle scenes. I originally had 3 planned at the beginning but then continued the series to where it is today. I thought that I would make 10 episodes in total but it could only be the 8 I need. Either way, if the series continues, it's not a bad thing really is it? But I will answer the big questions soon.
Q: When will the next episode be out?
A: If I do not update my blog from the previous post then the previous post still stands. When work has started on an episode, I will let you all know. Best thing to do is to check this blog every week or so to see if I have posted anything new. If I haven't then I have not started work on the next episode. I know that a lot of you are getting fustrated with waiting and I am sorry for that, but you need to look at my work as a film release. Sequals to movies don't come out every month, and the work that needs to be done on each episode (plus the fact I have a family) means that there are long delays between each episode. I hope that you appreciate these facts and just think of my Machinima as something bigger than a series. This way you don't expect it soon.
Q: Can I be in The Forgotten Spartans as an extra?
A: Currently at this time I have all spaces filled. The reason to this is because I have devised a Big Team Crew over the shooting of T.F.S and so will not be recruiting anyone at this time. This is nothing personal to anyone. Another issue I have to work with is lag, this is usually helped by using connections that are close to mine, i.e. UK servers take priority. This does not mean that I pick UK servers because I am from the UK, this is purely because lag is less when hosting a lobby of 16 players blowing everything up.
Q: How do you get so many players on one map?
A: There are no mods or special privileges that I know about to create what I have created. I used a maximum of 16 players at a time. Each shot you see was done around 5 or 6 times each in different areas of the map, then using a very expensive programme 'Adobe After Effects' to overlay each clip together using a tool called 'Masking'. You can check tutorials on advanced matting on YouTube. If you were going to use Mods, which I have no idea about, I think that bots only stand still and cannot run towards each other or fire. I am also aware that their weapons are chosen for them etc and so do not get a choice what weapons they hold. Sony Vegas can also do matting although I am unsure of the advancement it goes as I do not use this programme.
Q: Is that Master Chief or Conan at the end of Part 7?
A: If you have completed Halo 3 on Legendary and if you have been a true fan to my series throughout, you would be able to tell exactly who the end character is. If anyone also had an ounce of effort, you would also be able to read the credits which explains exactly who voiced who so will list the characters name. I am concerned that so many so called fans do not even check the credits to who actually acted, voiced etc.
It's very important that you keep an eye out on credits as they can give you the information needed. Fans would also realise that Conan's colour armour and his voice are very different from the Chiefs. Conan was not completed green and I'm sure that a big point would have been made out of his death before showing him coming back. I am not annoyed, just if people are unsure, they should probably pay attention to the plot more.
I will edit this post as more questions roll in.
Kind Regards
i really dont think people are also checking out the blog, because i just viewed the video again and there were several comments asking who was the guy at the end? and "how do you mod that many players?" i think they only watch youtube, so ide suggest making a short video about what u just said to get to the people who dont fequently check this blog
What i want to know is now that you've got master chief in the series . who is going to be the voice of Cortana i have a few suggestions like rina-chan's cortana which you can sample at http://suzumiya-haruhi.net/vgdemo.mp3
But otherwise I would enjoy to see who takes the spot. Keep up the great work mate
darknall i am a big fan of your work and a fan of halo.Why was conans body not found and is their going to be a part 8 to the forgottern spartans.Is master chief going to be the leader of all the spartans now and how are they going to get home since the war on earth is over.Please make a part 8 i am aching to see the outcome of the great war.
he said to be continued at the end right? so i think your wish is going to be answered mate. DARKNAL great film man 100/10
What is the music at the beginning of Part 7 called?
- Hudson
Darknal respect to all your video's!
I love the plot and the awesome video editing. Enjoyed it straight from the first episode and always force all my friends who haven't seen the show before to see at least one of the awesome battle scenes ^^
I got goosebumps from Master Chiefs appearance btw, I loved it to no end. Especially the connection to the final video of Halo 3 itself. Just plain awesome ^^
TFS is one of the greatest machinimas ever made: epic and minimal offensive language.
Just asking, will we see Cortana in ep. 8 (cos she's always with the Chief) and when will we see Conan again? We all miss Conan!
Oh yah, btw, I put up some TFS pics for my blog header. Hope u don't mind, but i m just a biiiiig fan of yours! Ingenuous idea to put TFS as a 'sequel' to Halo 3!
why did conan have to die? couldn't you just put him there and say he somehow was still alive.
why did conan have to die? couldn't you put him in the end and just say he survived?
Anonymous said...
why did conan have to die? couldn't you put him in the end and just say he survived?
There not sure if his did or not they are trying to find him.
hey im creating some movies nothing like hollywood big but im really hopeing get near there somday, now im using vegas as my editing software now you said you were useing adobe after effects and soi was wondering does that software work best for like games or will it work for live stuff like im doing if you can reply to this then thanks if not well thats okay too i jsut wanted to get some info on different softwares. oh and by the way i can resist you guys are awsome and your show is really really well done congrats, now if i can get my computer to stop glicthing it every couple minutes id be fine.
sony vegas sorry if i didnt make that one clear
Aaa, i was wondering what capture device and software do you use? I have to say it looks very good, and I'd like to know in case I try making a machinima some day.
how do you lower your wepeons without pressing butuns and jumping and kneeling
its pretty obvious, that wasnt conan. conan would shit on cheifs face and make a tent out of his skin
I think that all of you people should stop asking questions and let the mate get one with what he is doing.
darknal what u do is going grate so keep it up mate
p.s. for any one who dos not know who the person is who voiced master chief i will tell you in a few minutes
Halo rocks
Master chief is voiced by guitermasterx7 so no he is not conan so stop asking the question
and i will admit that guitarmasterx7 did a good job at the voicing of master cheif
Hey Darknal, I have a question, in episode 4 I think they kept saying stuff about how great Conan was and if he's good as his brother and stuff like that, why do they keep saying that? I thought it was werid but also good how you lead people through the first 3 episodes than having Conan die, then later you see how good he is it 4 and 5. 10/10 movies though :)
By the way If you want to reply send me a message in halo Gamertag: Sergant Zeek And yes I know I spelt Sargent wrong.
i personally dont think conan is dead and i think he is masterchiefs brother conan could be the cocky one and they both fight awsome keep up the goood work
i dont think conan is dead. i think he is master chiefs brother it seems like he is because of their similar personalities keep up the good work cant wait for #8
yea i agree with TROGC craze... i think he is master chief's bro cuz during part4, 6:28 to 6:31 the spartans were talking bout conan brother but got ambush.... so im assuming that master chief is his bro.
I'm trying to find a MACHINIMA to be in just so i can make my brother proud of me and I also saw that message on youtube that you need some bodyactors in T.F.S but you'll think my gamertag is gay.I thought you'd add me but I guess its too late for me = {.
I liked the emd f part 7 but that elite hibreius was it?does he die in part 8?.Oh I almost frogott,If me and my friend NorthernAaron ever make a MACHINIMA,anyone can feel free to help us.my gamertag on XBOX 360 LIVE is SegmentedMist.
anonymous you said yesterday you and your friend might make a machima I will be in it if you want my xbox live gamer tag is GHOST749. So send me a message.
Posted by Microsoft Corps...
Darknal I have to say that i started watching T.F.S today (monday june 29 2009) and i have to say it is the best thing I ever watched in my life. I had to finish all the parts today.
Hey darknal
great vids
but how many parts will there be of the movie?
will conan be coming back he was awsome and i cant wait for the eith part but i will be patienet
I have only recently began watching your videos and I have to say they are possibly the best halo 3 machinimas out there! I also understand that it takes a very long time to make these videos so I appreciate the fact that you release trailers on youtube and other information on this site. Again I think you are doing a great job with the series and I expect huge things from "The Forgotten Spartans"! "*****"
I have been watching your episodes for months and i think that the forgotten spartans is the best halo series on the internet and i can not wait to see part 8 and if it goes as long as you say it i bet that it is going to be awsome
P.S. darknal you absolutely rock!
i remember when i saw yout first few forgotten spartans movies i thought hey sucked but the continuation episodes(the ones after conan dies)and i was impressed i even got sucked into the story. hit me up im fishnip 5000 on xbox live
darknal ive just come back from a holiday with my mum and 3 brothers and as soon as i got home i imediatley watched part 8 and it was awsome i may only be 14 and live in adelaide but i have loved the forgotten spartans episodes ever since i started watching them and im backing you all the way with what you said on your web page about doing what you think is right when it comes to the episodes.
P.S. Darknal i cant wait for part 9 and just a reminder you rock and keep up the good work, Rex out.
Hi from Chile!
Hey, just started watching your series today. Really cool!
Some stuff I wanted to know:
1- How did you get so many trustful and permanent actors?
2- Any quick tips for Machinima making?
3- Which editing software do you use?
4- Which hardware do you use to record Halo 3?
5- Do you record all the stuff from the Theater or from live gameplay?
6- Are you in need of any actor that speaks Spanish? :p
7- Are you in any clan? If not, why dont you join the UEG community? www.ueglive.com
Please reply :D
Gamertag: Lucius Wrath
Youtube: LuciusGin
E-mail: luciuwrath@hotmail.com
Am sorry, my mail is:
forgot a "s".
Captain Rex
Darknal I completley agree with you youre episodes are awsome there for I agree with you people who think other whise sould get stuffed and stop complaing about the story line because it is completley fine just the way it is.
And Darknal from now on i will go by the name RAPTER.
P.S. Keap up the good work and don't forget you rock!!!
Darknal who cares if they don't like the films you make.
I Agree with you and my older brother Rapter about what you and he said about the episodes.
P.S. you rule.
Darknal i still agree with you but brett has no idea what he is talking about he just copies pretty much every thing i do!
P.S. Darknal and cosmic rock!!!
I have a Question for you with part 9 will they still be in that battle
P.S. you and Cosmic rock!!!
Darknal I just got live and i was hoping if i could add you to my freinds list. and for live my name is Gohst RAPTER and yes i now Ghost is spellt incorrectly but thats because of my little brother darren fidling while i was setting it up.
P.S. Darknal rules
Darknal can you please update everyone on how the forgotten spartans part 9 is coming along remember there are people out there that love the forgotten spartans so please update us asap.
P.S.You rock and the forgotten spartans is the best series there is!!!
hey i had live but its gone for about a week please dend me a friend request my name is the name i am useing PS. your halo forgotten spartens is awsome when is 9 coming out i want to see the green guy be alive
Darknal i have all the spartan armour except recon for the spartans and 3 full sets for the elites and i would gladly send you my file but it's the only one i have so sorry.what happens about conans body dissapearing is he actually still alive and will you swap to using halo reach for making the episodes when it comes out.
P.S. You rule
Darknal i would gladly send you my file with all the spartans armour and 3 sets of elite armour but its my only file so sorry.what happens about conans body dissapearing is he actually still alive and will you swap to using halo reach for making the episodes when it comes out.
P.S. You RULE!!!
I have a question are you in a clan and if you are can i join youre clan.
P.S.keep up the good work.
Darknal i've just watched the trailer for part 9 and excuse my language but it looks fucking awsome can't wait to see what you do in Halo Reach keep up the damn good work darknal!
P.s. You bloody rock!
Darknal the forgotten spartans part 9 is awswome but is conan infected by the flood or was he letting out a battle cry.
P.S. You Rule!!!
if you all wacth the 9 video conan did not die and yes i now i spelt wacht wroung
I downloaded you're Zenith map and it is sweet.
keep it up. you rule!!!
Darknal i just created 2 maps and i would like for you or any one else who leaves a comment to test them out and send me their opinions about the maps at iangreichelt@hotmail.com the maps are called Battle Ledge, the other map is water works. You can get them both by going file browser then go new custom search then select file share search and type in GOHST RAPTER and select the 2 maps listed above thanks.
P.S. Have a merry christmas,
Darknal rocks.
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