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Friday, 23 March 2012

TFS Update 23rd March 2012


Long time since my last update. Most of you have given up caring ;) but those of you that do care. Filming has started and 90% of voice lines are in.

Plan of action, to get this done by time of Halo 4. Hopefully will be good to be reminded of Halo 3 before the release of Halo 4 as part of the hype.

I will release more information when I get it.

Till then. Hope your all well.

Best Regards


Persk said...

glad to know! haven't given up yet!

Cyro XVX said...

Yes! So excited Darknal! Keep up the great work! Thanks for keeping us posted :)

fel said...

Keep working on it dude! You can do it! And we will be following your job!

Unknown said...

I still care, Darknal! I've always loved this series and I can't wait for the next episode! That said, take your time. Don't rush it to please us, make it the way you want it. I'm sure that's what you've been doing but it still stands true regardless. Keep up the awesome work.

Unknown said...

AWESOME! Just wondering, this means you haven't started season 2 yet huh?

Chris Angell said...

cmon darknal.... how can u say we dont care... it just that the series is just that good that i dont mind the wait :D
u can take another year if u wish and u will still get over a million views....
i meant the another year as a joke...seriously...dont take another year.... the consequences will haunt u ... *poof* ....dammit...fake disappearing powder

texs214 said...

take your time darknal we support you 100% we now you will make it great and most of all you will make us all proud even though we were all proud of your forgotten spartans your the best darknal and we now you will do a great job we all care no matter if u make us wait u always kepp us in suspense and you always turn out superior work we can wait because we now you will make it great (no pressure)