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Wednesday, 15 June 2011

T.F.S Update 15th June


Due to the news about Halo 4 coming out and my really extremely fast Machinima making skills, it lies to doubt whether if I make a Reach Series, I will ever finish the Halo 3 Series.

So, as of this moment, I have cancelled my Reach Series and will LOOK to finishing the original story before doing ANYTHING else.

Reason for this is:

1. If I do not make many machinima's moving forward then it HAS to end with having a complete first series.
2. I want to conclude my original story so badly.
3. I can focus on another project once I am finished if I have the energy
4. You lot have followed me for so many years just to see how it ends.
5. I love you in an extremely Halo way and appreciate all your support throughout the series.
6. You still put up with the fact I have no spare time and yet you hope and wish me to finish the series.

Well, I will do my best in the time between now (No time) and release of Halo 4 to conclude the original story. Halo Reach is a good game and has some decent opportunities with machinima, but I want to finish the series in Halo 3, purely because the look of the Spartans, in my opinion, is better. Also, the engine looks totally different and do not want to ruin the T.F.S feel by using another game for the conclusion.

Thank you again for ALL your support.
Remember it's you guys who got the series where it is.

Best Regards


Anonymous said...

=] halo 4 bound to be interesting xD and YEY cant wait for TFS to be finished xD I cant wait

Anonymous said...

you left the forgotten Spartans on such a cliffhanger so I'm really looking forward to part 10

chrisnepts said...

like a boss

ElementL09 said...

I support you decesion to finish TFS. I've been dying to see how it ends anyway.

Bub0nic said...

Fantastic<3 Love you always.
I'm making a machinima because of you:'D

Anonymous said...

Halo 4 comes out in holiday 2012, so you should have plenty of time to finish up the Halo 3 series. Can't wait for Halo 4 man :]

Dark Neptune said...

In my Opinion Darknal, you can use the Reach engine to film some, you know, maybe some Flashback or "Special" scene to help "highlight" it against the Halo 3 engine.

But I do feel this time round you should keep CGI scenes while filming in the Halo 3 engine to a minimum, as they look more like a gimmick. But if it's a pure-CGI scene with no Halo 3 engine-related scene in the background, that's fine.

I have been following T.F.S. Since 07, no matter what though, you've my staunch support for your vids Darknal! :D

Darknal said...

Neptune. I am not going to use full CGi scenes as this would not be machinima, and I feel I do keep CGi scenes down to a minimum. They are not a 'gimmick'. I use them to show the scale of a scene, and to help explain the story.

If you were a true fan then you would understand the need for the scene's when they appeared.

Best Regards

Caveman said...

I dunno about this, at the current rate (unless part 10 is the end) I'm doubtful he'll have it done before holiday 2012 seeing as part 10 is supposed to be out in 2012, and they've been taking about 6 months to a year.

Anonymous said...

hey love the series and i agree with you on the point of keeping it on halo 3. the original spartan look is the best for the series. loved the end of part nine man, never saw that coming. been a fan for years now keep up the good work.
your fan raine

UAstudios said...

Darknal I'll help in any way you need. Just get that last part out man. I can do anything besides CGI.

Chrisnepts said...

Zenith is top sixth most downloaded map variant :)

Just thought id let you know :)

Matthew Lake.

Anonymous said...

chrisnepts stop sucking up, can you see daylight up Darknal's Arse?

chrisnepts said...

To be quite fair, i love how you're acting as if your so cool and hard when you've put your name as anonymous - thinking your so clever. It just really shows you pathetic you are that you cant stand up for your own invalid claims.

And for your information i'm not up darknals arse, hes a friend and i thought i'd be a decent chap and let him know when something hes done is getting acknowledged by the community.

Stupid idiots are stupid. Kids, you really need to learn.

Epitome said...

Trololol so many people think your a kiss-up. Chrisnepts.

Anonymous said...

Chrisnepts you are a "suck up" though... Didn't you even copy darknals machinima with your Spartan squad alpha or something like that copying the story line and the CHARACTERS which in the end just made darknals machinima look bad because yours was rubbish also I have seen in the past that this isn't the first time this point has been brought up and also by watching you in the shoots both yours and darknals I have come to the conclusion that you are a suck up, you can disagree with this all you want but you just have to take a step back and look at yourself, please do not take this the wrong way I am just trying to help you so that people prejudge you before They have even met you.

Anonymous said...

Chrisnepts you are a "suck up" though... Didn't you even copy darknals machinima with your Spartan squad alpha or something like that copying the story line and the CHARACTERS which in the end just made darknals machinima look bad because yours was rubbish also I have seen in the past that this isn't the first time this point has been brought up and also by watching you in the shoots both yours and darknals I have come to the conclusion that you are a suck up, you can disagree with this all you want but you just have to take a step back and look at yourself, please do not take this the wrong way I am just trying to help you so that people prejudge you before They have even met you.

chrisnepts said...

"Chrisnepts you are a "suck up" though..."
How so? i wouldn't call been a good friend a suckup. It's called been polite.

"Didn't you even copy darknals machinima with your Spartan squad alpha"
Sidestory, not a copy. Which is been completely remade.

"by watching you in the shoots both yours and darknals I have come to the conclusion that you are a suck up"
Cool story, and i care why? I'm merely pointing out your validating that your claims are invalid.

"please do not take this the wrong way I am just trying to help you so that people prejudge you before They have even met you."
Take this the wrong way? How so? By you directly insulting me for no reason what so ever? It's people like you that are making people prejudice towards me before they've even met me, due to low lifed individuals like yourself spreading shit about me for no reason.

You should really just say who you are rather then hiding your identity behind anonymous.
Good day.

chrisnepts said...

Two years ago, yeah maybe. I'll even agree with that, but i haven't spoke to Darknal in almost a year now. But now, no dude. Just no.

Vincent said...

Hi peeps um I was wondering what song was used during TFS Part 9 A at the very end where Cosmic has the Elite pinned. That opera type music. And also I want to know where I could get it from. Darknal or Chrisnepts or maybe the guy who organized the music could help me with this please? I'm making a live action army type web series and I'm getting the soundtrack together right now since I got the actors and the programs to make CGI and stuff. and the props. I also have the scrips all written out.

And that song just sounded so perfect for a scene I have that I'd like to know what it's called and where I can get it. Thanks.

Vincent said...

Sorry about leaving these comments. The other song I want to know is in The Forgotten Spartans Part 8. It starts in at like exactly 14:22. When they're standing watching the Elites coming and then the other spartans get there and they're like "They made it."

chrisnepts said...

I believe it was part of the orchestral series of tracks, not 100% sure.

Vincent said...

ok I found The Dark March and Fire at Will, Hold the line on Youtube.com.

The only place I can find all other PP or whatever songs and orchestral series stuff is on Productionmusic.inc. And it says sign up (for professional use only) so how did Darknal get those songs? I saw adrenaline safari and stuff on there. From TFS.

Vincent said...

I singed up and logged in on the prosition music inc website that i talked about. It doesn't require a credit card or anything so I was wondering if darknal had gotten his songs from there. cause I cant find any of those songs anywhere else except on that website. that he used in TFS.

Can Darknal himself talk to me about this possibly?

Darknal said...

Hi Vincent,

Yes I use Position Music as a company but it is very expensive as I use it Professional. I lose money on T.F.S to use the music I do.

They have very strict rules with their music. If you are going to use it, then be aware. This is the reason Chrisnepts didn't use the music in his machinima's.

Also, to all those going on about Chrisnepts. Chrisnepts is my friend, a good friend. I don't think he does anything towards me that any of you wouldn't towards a friend of yours. Chrisnepts isn't a fan of me, he is a friend of mine. Drop the attitude towards him please.


Vincent said...

Thanks so much for the reply Darknal! I really appreciate it! With that said I guess I'll have to stick with other trailer music and such for my soundtrack. :P Or any Position Music I happen to like that I find on Youtube or such. :) And thanks to Chrisnepts for helping too! Chrisnepts you're like the kind of friend I dream of having. I envy you an Darknal.

Adam said...

Yer the music is tom salta position music orchistra series volume 2 & 3, think it's called the fight begins, tom salta also done the background music for slot of boss games like tom Clancy H.A.W.X, should have said this before darknal he is a good friend of mine, I probably could have got you the whole volume of songs for free,they can be exspensive you know, think it's £1.00 just for a song. If you need any background music in your up coming machinimas I could get you them for free, only from tom salta though. Am here darknal

fel said...

cant wait for you to end this series, inmediately when it comes out the next episode, im translating it on spanish ;3 i have a youtube channel for translations and stuff its JuanFe996

Anonymous said...

To be honest if your gunna start having arguments over the internet you may aswell just stop right there, what is it proving? Nothing, if your gunna start saying all this shit about each other why not just say it to each others faces, you not helping anyone by what your doing. I have great friends but does that mean I'm stuck up their arse? No it doesn't, so how do you all come to this conclusion, do you watch him in your own time? Seriously people you all need to grow up and so something better with your time rather than trying insult someone over the internet. Just think about what your gunna say before you say it.

Night Hawk said...

hey darknal,
Its been over two months since your last post... Are you even doing tfs anymore..? im not trying to be rude or anything, and i know you have other stuff to do, but you still have alot of loyal fans waiting. If you still want them to be loyal you need to make some progress.
Once again this post isnt meant to be mean or hurtful.
Thanks, -NH

Muz said...

I absolutely love this series Darknal, Keep at it and take as long as you need! Working on this series when you WANT to do it makes the final product look better anyway! Don't let people rush your masterful work! Good Luck with this production and all other future endeavors!


P.S. To the person who keeps trolling chrisnepts, I think he has other more important things to do than constantly have to read your 'insightful' information. If you are truly trying to help him, then just stop trying to aggravate him to continue your pointless argument; calling someone a suck-up is almost always not appreciated by anyone. I'm sure you know that deep down. Peace.