Hello all.
Chrisnepts has recovered some old files from his destroyed PC and needs some inspiration to continue the project he spent so long working on.
Here is a video he recovered, 4 minutes long, and extremely good in my opinion.
For those upset at the lack of videos from my part, this video symbolises the The Forgotten Spartans Story whilst following his own story.
Please check it out and give him support for what I think, is a masterpiece.
Nice work Matt.
Great work on the trailer Matt. Too bad someone like you can't produce my series.
Even I'll admit: That trailer actually kicks quite a lot of ass. Although when I looked through the oldish episodes of "Spartan Squad Alpha" ... Well, it made me get the feeling that the messed-up PC was simply divine intervention for the greater good.
Then there's the fact that TFS grinds my gears more than most of the dudes on TGWTG- but that's irrelevant to the overall quality the trailer holds.
@UAstudios Maybe you should ask...he might do it. -___-
Oh and Matt can't say Peralium =3
Afro, you mean you can't say nor prenounce it (: hehehe
I can! I just rather say Penacular. :)
Alright so Chrisnepts want to produce my series? Haha It's kind of funny that I have asked both of you with help before.
@ UAStudios
Seeing as TFS, SSA and a few other series are stalled at the moment i am in a search for good Machinima.
You seem to sound pretty confident about your work. would you mind posting a few links to your videos?
I only need to say this once look at the video again look at the comments and you'll see how many back him up besides he left us with a giant question can he rise and rise again to bring us another masterpiece :) and Darknal i've been a loyal fan since day 1 it may not mean much but my family has fallen apart not to mention my grades are slipping and i broke my arm but every saturday i watch a TFS episode in order and it takes me away from that you may not see this but if you do you'll see it's more then an amazing series to some people and those people will stay loyal like me good luck....oh and sorry for the long message :)
Well Mr. Anonymous. I am new to making machinima's. But I have everything down and in place. I have over 18 body actors waiting to help me at any moments need. I have a intro/title video done. I have people working on Film scores. And I have over 4 different machinima studios working with me. I need someone to produce this series for me. I don't have a great video editing program. I do not have any work of my own. This will be the first. Are you curious about producing my series?
back @ UAStudios
good luck with that series, and fuck no im not interested. no offense but if i had the capability to produce machinima I would produce my own, not someone else's. And if you have 'over four' machinima studios working with you, why dont they produce it?
I don't trust them to do a good enough job on it. And sorry I messed up I don't need a producer I need a video editor. And a Camera boy.
To ua studios
So basically u need someone to cspture and edit?
Yeah But I already found someone.
Yeah But I already found someone.
epitome- are you ua studios?
Yeah. Sorry Hahha UA is my old Machinima Name. But I still use it for a number of things.
darknal, any updates?
Sounds alright. Who are the main characters of this machinima?
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