Hello All,
My map is now available to download on my FileShare.
Please recommend it to your friends if you are a fan of it.
It is built for Invasion specifically but does support Invasion Slayer and BTB. Please bare in mind that if you do Invasion Slayer that you set the vehicle sets to NO Tanks as this map is not designed for tanks.
There are currently 3 videos that I know of displaying the map in action (below). I will be throwing one together myself at some stage.
TBEClanMovies Intense
GammaShardStudios Epic
Darkshadowcreations Comical
MrTTom Awesome
Please feel free to download and rate. If you are not an Invasion fan then this map is not for you.
Thanks again guys and hope you enjoy the map.
Darknal it's an honor to be the first to post i recently broke my arm so i can't play reach myself but i only wanted to say was thank you for the series i hope you enjoy the break and know you have alot of fans oh and before i forget best wishes to your bro and family it's great to know their are real Machinima makers still out their
You spelt honour wrong!
Love you guys really
Get out.
Really nice map Darknal.
Off-topic question though, Machinima.com have revamped their website, and there is no forums or UPLOAD function. How will you or any of us upload our Machinima?
GrizzlyDemon (xDon Demonz)
Hey darknal,
This post is about the Nov. 18th Update.
Anyway, to the point.
Just so you don't mess up this TFS Reach series, you already made a prequel to TFS and now that same armor isnt in Halo: Reach. Just how far back are you going to take us.
I don't want to ruin any plans( and no matter what you post i will watch it and love it) but maybe you should think a little more about that. If not please let us into your mind and just explain what your basic idea is...?
Thanks alot,
Fan now and Always,
Night Hawk
To Anonymous -
At machinima we don't submit content through the upload section, that was primarily a section for other none-directors to upload THEIR content and have a chance of getting premièred on the channel. They have cleared it to gain more bandwidth and add a more professional site feel. The forums have gone, they might return but i doubt it, but theres alot better places then M.Com forums for help :) as the M.com community was full of four year olds and trolls.
Looks good. Maybe Bungie will decide to include it in the Invasion playlist sometime, who knows.
Well this kinda messes me up then Chrisnepts... How do I submit my Machinima? Not to sound egotistical etc, but mine will be really good. They've basically closed it off to the public then haven't they. Any help on what to do?
To Chrisnepts:
i agree with the other anonymous
Doesnt that close it to the public then.
P.S. Chrisnepts i have been checking your blog and you havent posted in a while. Any updates on SSA or ur stuff
How do we (the public) get our machinimas known then? Give me the email address you send it to please :/
You better watch what you start saying Chrisnepts.
Unless you want to damage the reputation of "Thake Films".
Darknal Man yo killin me here, I keep waiting for your next updaatee
I outta kick your ass Chrisnepts
I outta kick your ass Chrisnepts
i outta eat your face! :O
Hey Darknal,
If no one has noticed the level cap has been taken off and you haven't posted in about a month.
Please give us spmething to look forward to.
Machinima has been slowly dieing over the last few years people. Darknal I'm afraid was the last person to post a spectacular changing machinima series that people would go out of their way to watch. As to Chrisnepts I completely hate the new Machinima.com website it DESTROYS machinima (What are machinima's?) Videos. (What does Machinima.com not have?) Videos. (Whats a vital piece to making a machinima?)A Community. (What does machinima.com not have?) forums, profiles, amd most importantly ways to communicate with fellow machinimators. its complete shit now.
I agree.. Machinima is such a dirty, overused whore term now.
Gameplay is classed as Machinima. WRONG.
Alot of idiots think Machinima is a channel/company on youtube. Machinima is a term used to describe the genre/way these filmed are made, Machinima.com chose to use this for their name and they've made it become a really dirty term.
UA, I've got something in the works which i think you'll like, stick around and keep an eye on my channel on the first :)
and thank you for your comments, although the current stuff i have out now i NOTHING compared to what SSA will be when its out ;)
Yeah, UA youve got it 100% correct. People at my school only know the word "Machinima" from watching gameplay videos of COD. It really pisses me off. How can you shut off the forums and upload? What where they thinking lmao. Anyways, I'd appreciate it if you guys could check out my channel, www.youtube.com/Blarg950 and take a look at my Operation: Arkangel Promo Trailer for my series, itll be on there on the 24th/25th. Thanks guys.
Heres my Promo Trailer!
The video quality isn't the best, but the content is truly stunning.
See whats happening nowdays is people are allowed to have the little 'machinima' opening in their videos because the video is relevant to some aspects of machinima videos. What they don't understand however is that machinima is not a company or some type of classed organization.. They have forgotten what machinima's are... which are movies, cinema's, creative entertainment through the use of scripts, staff, and production teams. However I have no problem with COD doing it, as for your friend I am sorry but the origins of machinima come back to Halo (and Doom or whatever it is)
Just a note the forums aren't gone. They were reset. (All accounts, posts ect. GONE) there isn't a link on the main page but if you want the URL to it just ask ;)
Once again UAStudios, keep an eye on my channel on the first. I have something which you will like, related to this topic of Machinima :3
Hey I really need the link to the forums if they are reset and avaible to use, I am in dire need of staff for my production team. And I haven't been able to hire anyone recently with the whole machinima.com shit.
Enjoy! (You'll have to sign up and and such i believe)
me and my friends love this map
DARKNAL I GOT XBOX LIVE! please add me my gamer tag is criticalblaze8. all i wamt is to be your friend and i will not ask to be in your series T_T. so ppls add mer darknal.
p.s. i have all the halos 1 2 3 odst wars and reach
Wait the forums are still alive?! Cool! How do you upload videos? I mean, they can't have just limited it to a select few directors as there are new COD videos etc coming up all the time from random people.
hey darknal i was wondering when you are going to post another blog about something or another video or something just post anything i am getting a little mad so please post something just to let all of know that you are still making T.F.S videos. please comment.
Trust me on this one ok. Darknal isn't going to add anyone that asks him because of a few reasons:
1. If he adds you then everyone onewill want him to add them.
2. Darknal would need atleast a few hundred Xbox Live accounts to add all of his fans( understandably he isn't going to do that).
Now on the other hand Chrisnepts will add yall so send him a friend request. His Gamer Tag is spelled just like his blogger name! Good Luck Chrisnepts!
Happy New Years everyone!
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