Hello, The first half of the script is finished and the lines have gone out to those involved. This means that I can start shooting the story scenes (Offline) so then will start on writing the battles out in detail and shooting the scenes once all my TFS Crew are all available. The image above is from Part 5, only I liked the shot :) So that's just a little update for you. Speak soon. Regards Darknal
Hi all,I'm affraid the script is STILL not finished yet due to some unforseen circumstances in my personal life.But, Part 8 will be made and I am doing my every efforts to make sure that the episode expands, especially as it will be the last....... (For this story line anyway :) )People are saying they will unsubscribe etc if I don't make it but lets look at some facts.1. I'm not after subscriptions, hense I post them via Machinima.com, it's views I care about and the pure reason is to get as many people to watch the series as possible so that it is liked all over the world lol, world domination as Bungie says, so unsubcribing doesn't affect me or make me make the episode faster.2. If you unsubcribe, all your doing is avoiding the fact that you will NOT be told when Part 8 will be out and even then, you'll still watch the episode because that's what you subscribed for in the first place giving me your view and you cumming in your pants as I hope you will. If your a female, same applies.3. Erm..... There isn't a 3 because the first two were so good ;)On a serious note, I will make the episode when I can physically do it and right now, it will take a while. Eventually it will be made and the internet is SO BIG, that I'm sure that you guys can find ways to entertain yourself like,,,,,, Watch the series a million times getting me a million views.... Haha...... I got some bad news recently so my mind is else where, but rest assured that the script will be done and filming will hopefully follow.. Editing... Well, that's the hard bit lol.....Either way, I appreciate all your patience, I will however do my best to update you as production continues. Please don't hate mail me, it only slows me down. To all those that tell people to be patient, good on you... That's a true T.F.S fan. Well, I appreciate it anyway....P.s. Green guy in Part 7 is Master Chief, not Conan... Armour and voice should be clear enough. Yes I know the Chiefs green is slightly off but depends on the level what looks best. As you know, the multiplayer doesn't offer the true Chief Green.Love you all, stay true, be kind to each other, and enjoy Xbox gaming as it's the best :)Darknal