The Forgotten Spartans Part 7 is underway, it will not be out for ages, I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on. We are attempting big things and this will take time. All I have for you at the moment is a screenshot. Thats all I've got. Be patient, I'm hoping it'll be worth the wait. Speak soon Darknal
Hey Darknal. I just announced my appearence on youtube and my blogspot. Keep up the work.
oh my god man i cant wait, if u need anyone to act in your machinama in any part, ill be happy to, please message me on xbox. Gamertage: MetalMike45
How do you find the hidden skulls?
Please hury up, I'm going mad with antisipation. Also, I'm coming out with my own machinim. Could you give me some advise. If needed, my GT is Blu tuth ninja(like on machinima).
By the way, I cound help as a spartan if your one short.
PS:I am JOHN(I couldn't figuer it out).
hey darknal ummm my clan wants to help in creating seans for your videos message me on live hapypankake
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