Hello. People are asking many questions about Part 6. If people are that bothered then they should come here and I'll answer the basic questions although I won't give too much away lol.
Question 1: How did I get so many people on the same screen in Halo 3?
Answer: I have not modded the Xbox and you can only have a maximum of 16 players in the lobby whether it's system link or online. There is no way of getting that many players onto the server, unless there is a way of modding which I am unaware about.
I purely use 16 players then manipulate the image by shooting people in different areas of the map then merging them in. I wont go into detail about that though as the process takes forever and over time if you are a film editor, you will learn the best ways to achieve these results.
Question 2: When is Part 7 coming out?
Answer 2: Part 7 is not in the process of being made right this second but if my Machinima says "To Be Continued" at the end, then there will be another one coming. Apart from Part 3 where the series was going to originally end lol.
If you want updates on Part 7 then just check this site every now and then and if there is no update, then I don't know myself so you will have to be patient. There WILL be a Part 7. Thank you for your time and I hope that most of you have had the main two questions answered.
I'm glad you all enjoyed it, I went out my way for you guys so am happy that you enjoyed it so much, took A LONG TIME lol.
Thanks again