The release date for The Forgotten Spartans Part 5 is set for Monday night in London time, pushing on Tuesday. This will also include the re-release of Parts 1,2 and 3 in high quality on YouTube. I am sorry for the delay in this episode but had a few issues with the Friday launch. Of course it would have been better for the weekend but as there were technical difficulties with the sound we have had to move the release date to the beginning of the week. Something to look forward to on Monday night. Take care guys, hope to hear from you Monday. Darknal
Yes that's tommorow, Can't wait (probably be up all night thinking about it)
Oh Darknal I'd like to ask you something.
What will it take? I've been trying to contact you for ages now trying to hopefully be on your friends list and every time you've ignored my PM's i sent to you on youtube, and bungie. I hope I'm not asking much I would just really like to add you to my friends list.
I'll sent you a request tonight, expect one from KILAPAY and please accept.
Vurtax I'm pretty sure Darknal is pretty busy and you may try not to annoy him by all this spam :o
I've sent him a message and he replied so you may want to stop being so desperate about these things okay :D? I'm pretty sure darnal would like to be friends to all(some I guess)of his fans.Just be happy your alive and able to watch his videos k?:P
btw can't wait for the next movie darknal :D
Best regards
Hey Darknal It's me again, I don't know if its Possible but could you send me another email because for some reason my shiity hotmail account deleted the message when all i did was just try to read it.
If Not i'll make a different account.
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